UP Lekhpal Answer Key 2015 Set B 13 Sept UP Lekhpal Answer Key 2015 Set B | Ans Sheet | Cut off Marks , UP BOR Accountant Answer Key with solution in pdf – The answer key of UP Lekhpal 2015 Set B of exam held on 13 Sep 2015 has been published here. Board of Revenue (BOR) Uttar Pradesh (UP) conducted the written exam to recruit for the post of Lekhpal for which 13600 vacancies were announced. Going through the UP Lekhpal 2015 Answer Key Set B will be help candidates who took the Rajaswa Lekhpal 2015 exam to analyze their performance and get an idea of the score obtained. Get here the Answer Key of UP Lekhpal 2015 Set B.
UP Lekhpal Exam 13th September 2015 Answer Key : Morning & Evening Shift Key with Paper Analysis
UP Lekhpal Exam 13th September 2015 Answer Key : Morning & Evening Shift Key with Paper Analysis
UP Lekhpal Answer Key 2015 Set B
The solved UP Lekhpal 2015 Question Paper has been published here – Click Here to get Lekhpal 2015 solved question paper.
Qs | Ans | Qs | Ans |
1 | D | 51 | C |
2 | D | 52 | C |
3 | B | 53 | A |
4 | A | 54 | D |
5 | C | 55 | D |
6 | D | 56 | B |
7 | A | 57 | B |
8 | B | 58 | B |
9 | B | 59 | A |
10 | C | 60 | B |
11 | D | 61 | A |
12 | A | 62 | B |
13 | A | 63 | A |
14 | D | 64 | D |
15 | C | 65 | C |
16 | D | 66 | A |
17 | A | 67 | A |
18 | C | 68 | D |
19 | C | 69 | A |
20 | D | 70 | A |
21 | D | 71 | C |
22 | B | 72 | D |
23 | D | 73 | D |
24 | C | 74 | A |
25 | C | 75 | D |
26 | A | 76 | B |
27 | C | 77 | A |
28 | D | 78 | D |
29 | B | 79 | C |
30 | D | 80 | B |
31 | C | 81 | D |
32 | A | 82 | A |
33 | B | 83 | C |
34 | A | 84 | C |
35 | A | 85 | C |
36 | D | 86 | A |
37 | B | 87 | A |
38 | B | 88 | A |
39 | B | 89 | C |
40 | D | 90 | A |
41 | D | 91 | C |
42 | D | 92 | C |
43 | D | 93 | A |
44 | A | 94 | C |
45 | A | 95 | C |
46 | B | 96 | D |
47 | B | 97 | B |
48 | B | 98 | D |
49 | D | 99 | – |
50 | A | 100 | D |
Answer Key of UP Lekhpal Answer Key 2015 Set B is given above.
Cut off marks for UP Lekhpal is expected to be around 45-52.
Release date: UP Lekhpal answer key can be checked and downloaded from this page now.
लेखपाल उत्तर कुंजी नीचे दी गई विंडो में उपलब्ध है।
Rajasva Lekhpal UP Exam Question Papers With Solution Ans Keys : Morning & Evening Shift All Sets
UP Lekhpal Cut off marks
Lekhpal cut off marks 2015 (expected)
- General - 52 Marks
- OBC - 50 Marks
- SC - 45 Marks
- ST - 40 Marks
Official cut off marks will be posted here as soon as they got released.
The above given marks are just expected and carry a variation of +-5 marks.
About UP Lekhpal Exam
- The OMR Answer Sheet was inside the question paper test booklet. When candidate was directed to open the test booklet, he / she had to take out the Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars carefully with blue / black ball point pen.
- The test was of 1.5 hours duration and consisted of 100 questions.
- There was no negative marking.
- Candidates had to use blue / black ball point pen only for writing particulars on the page and marking responses in the answer sheet.
UP Lekhpal Set A, B, C, D Answer key
UP Revenue Department had organized Lekhpal written examination on 13 September 2015 as per official revised schedule in two sessions i.e. morning & evening. The test was held at all the 75 districts of Uttar Pradesh at thousands of centres.UPSSSC Chakbandi lekhpal exam is going to be held on 08 November 2015 for 3800+ posts for which applications were invited in April 2015.
Download UP Lekhpal 2015 answer key (Official)
1. Visit official website of UP Lekhpal exam i.e. bor.up.nic.in or official page for lekhpal https://uplr.digialm.com/EForms/html/form2536/index.html2. Find the link for downloading answer key of UPSSSC Lekhpal 2015.
3. Download the answer key pdf and open it.
4. You can check answer key of UP Lekhpal Exam from that document. We will update you via this page as soon as answer keys got released.
Related terms: UP Lekhpal answer sheet 2015
UP Lekhpal answer key 2015
UPSSSC Lekhpal answer key 2015
UP Lekhpal 2015 answer key
UP Lekhpal 13 Sep 2015 answer key Set A, B, C, D
UP Lekhpal Question Paper answer key Set A, B, C, D
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