IBPS RRB Office Assistant Syllabus 2015 CWE IV Exam Pattern in pdf: IBPS RRB Syllabus 2015 IBPS CWE IV Syllabus 2015 IBPS Office Assistant (Multi-Purpose) Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2015 IBPS RRB Office Assistant Syllabus 2015 IBPS Exam Syllabus pdf file Important Topics
IBPS RRB Office Assistant Syllabus 2015
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is fully responsible for conducting RRB Common Written Exam (CWE). IBPS every year organizes this online exam for recruitment of Officers & Officer Assistants(Multi- Purpose) in various Regional Rural Banks. Candidates who have completed their graduation can give this exam. In the recent years level of competition in Banking Sector is interestingly increased. So for Selection Nothing can work for selection except a smart study plan. Prepare for exam differently than other candidates. In this article, we are providing you Important Topics from IBPS RRB Office Assistant Syllabus 2015.
Exam Pattern :- IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam Pattern is as follows:-
S. No.
No. Of Questions
Maximum Marks
1. | Reasoning | 40 | 50 |
2. | Numerical Ability | 40 | 50 |
3. | General Awareness | 40 | 40 |
4. (a) | English Language | 40 | 40 |
4. (b) | Hindi Language | 40 | 40 |
5. | Computer Knowledge | 40 | 20 |
TOTAL | 200 | 200 |
- Composite Time of 120 minutes for all the tests together.
- There will be negative marks at the rate of 0.25 for wrong answers.
- Candidates can opt either 4 (a) or 4 (b).
Exam Syllabus:- IBPS RRB Office Assistant Syllabus 2015 is given below:-
Reasoning:- Focus on Comprehensional Reasoning, Venn Diagrams, Number Series, Coding and de-coding, Problem Solving Techniques, Statement & Conclusion type questions, arithmetic reasoning, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series, syllogistic reasoning, Seating Arrangements.
Numerical Ability:- Questions will be asked from Simplification, Average, Percentage, Time & Work, Area, profit & Loss, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Speed, Investment, HCF LCM, Problem On Ages , Bar Graph, Pictorial Graph, Pie Chart. Date Interpretation is the section which have to be focused.
General Awareness:- Questions will be asked from Indian Current Events, Banking, General Science, General Knowledge. Focus will be mainly on Current affairs of National & International news, Important dates, Current Science, Technology, Sports & Culture & Banking Sector. Some questions from Marketing can come in the exam.
English or Hindi Language:- Mainly Focus on the topics like Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Error, Sentence correction, fill in the blanks, Comprehension & Cloze Test etc.
Computer Awareness:- Basic of Computers, Computer Organization, Generations of computer, Input & Output Device, Shortcuts & Basic knowledge MS word, MS Excel, MS power point, Memory Orientation, Internet, LAN, WAN, Modem, Computer Abbreviations, Modern day Technology. Remember short cut Tricks of MS Word, MS Excel & Computer Abbreviations.
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