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Wednesday, 16 September 2015

MPPSC Syllabus for Forest Ranger & Conservator Exam 2015 in pdf

MPPSC Syllabus for Forest Ranger & Conservator Exam 2015 in pdf- MPPSC Forest Ranger Syllabus 2015 MPPSC Conservator of Forest Exam Syllabus 2015 MPPSC Syllabus 2015 for State Forest Service Examination-2015 MPPSC Forest Ranger Exam Pattern & Syllabus Download pdf

Madhya Pradesh PSC Exam Syllabus 2015
Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) is going to conduct a written exam named State Forest Service Examination – 2014 for recruitment to the posts of Forest Ranger and Assistant Conservator of Forest.


Nowadays Competition Level become very high so Competitive Exams gets too tougher. Candidates facing critical problem of “What to prepare” and “How to prepare”. But, nothing about to worry, you may get the appropriate prescribed syllabus and Scheme of Written Exam from us. So, here we are providing the latest Syllabus & Exam Pattern of Forest Service Main Exam conducting by MPPSC.
Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for Forest Service Main written exam is as Follows :-

  • The written examination consist of multiple choice questions shall be held in two Groups – (a) Compulsory Subjects; (b) Optional Subjects. 
  • The time duration for each paper will be 02:00 hours (120 minutes). 
  • There will be one paper from compulsory subject and two paper from optional subject which were pre-decided by candidates. 
  • Candidates must obtain 40% marks in each paper to qualify written test. Whereas, there will be exemption of 10% for the candidates belonging to SC, St & OBC of M.P. state, hence they have to obtain 30% marks in each paper to qualify.

(Compulsory Subject)
Subject No. of MCQs Marks
Paper-I General Studies 40 80
General Overview of M.P. 35 70
Elementary Mathematics 35 70
General Hindi & English 20 + 20 80
TOTAL 150 300
(Two Optional Subjects)
Paper-II 150 300
Paper-III 150 300
TOTAL of Written Test 900
Interview 100
List of Optional Subjects :
Subject Code Subject Name
01 Botany
02 Zoology
03 Physics
04 Chemistry
05 Mathematics
06 Geology
07 Agriculture
08 Statistics
09 Forestry
10 Civil Engineering
11 Mechanical Engineering
12 Chemical Engineering
13 Computer Science Engineering
14 Electronics Engineering
15 Electrical Engineering
16 Agricultural Engineering
17 Horticulture
18 Environment Science
19 Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
Warning : Restriction on choice of optional subjects : Candidates will be allowed to offer optional subjects mentioned below in the following restricted manner : i) Agriculture or Agricultural Engineering; ii) Agriculture or Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science; iii) Chemistry or Chemical Engineering; iv) Mathematics or Statistics; v) Only one subject will be allow to choose as an option from engineering subjects (Subject Code : 10 to 16).
Note : Question Paper from 01 to 08 will be set in both Hindi & English Language. Whereas, all remain subjects will be set in English language only.
Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for Forest Service Written Exam is given below :-
Compulsory Subject : The standard of Compulsory papers will be such as may be expected of a Science or Engineering Graduate of an Indian University.
1. General Science and Environment Questions on general science and Environment will cover general appreciation and understanding of science including matters of every day observation and experience may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any particular scientific discipline.
2. Current Events of National & International Importance In current events knowledge of significant National and International leveling will be tested.
3. History of India and Independent India In History, questions of general knowledge related to social, economic and political aspects will be asked. Also, there will be questions on Indian National Movement and Development of Independent India
4. (1) Geography of India There will be questions of general knowledge relating to physical, social and economic geography. It will also include questions on Indian Agriculture and Natural resources. There will be questions pertaining to demography and census of India. (2) General geographical awareness of world.
5. Indian Polity and Economy Political system and constitution of the country. Panchayati Raj, social system, economic development, Elections, political parties, plans, Industrial development, foreign trade and economic and financial Institution.
6. Sports Important games and sports tournaments, Awards and personalities for M.P., India, Asia and World.
7. Geography, History and Culture of MP. There will be questions related to the development of Mountains, rivers, climate, Flora and Fauna, Minerals transportation in the Geography of Madhya Pradesh. It will also have questions relating to important dynasties of M.P., Contribution of Important dynasties in the History & Culture of Madhya Pradesh, There will be questions on Tribals, Arts, Architecture, Fine Arts and Historical personalities of M.P
8. Polity and Economy of M.P Political system, Political parties and elections, Panchayati Raj, Social system and economic development of M.P. This will also include questions on Industry, Plans, Economic programmes, business, demography and census of MP.
9. General Mental Ability Numerical ability, reasoning, Coding, data analysis and interpretation and analogy 10. Information and Communication Technology Questions pertaining to characteristics, uses, and terminologies such as website, online, search engine, e-mail, video mail, chatting, video conferencing, hacking, cracking, virus and cyber crime.
1. Geography General Introduction of Madhya Pradesh, area, topography and structure, physical and geographical areas and climate.
2. Natural Resources of Madhya Pradesh i) Mineral Wealth ii) Forest Wealth and Wild life iii) Agriculture and Live stock, Regional distribution of crops, planned, development of Agriculture, Green Revolution, Development of Live Stock. iv) Water Resources – Development of Irrigation and Irrigation projects.
3. Human Resources Population, Population Density, Urban and Rural population, Literacy and Labors.
4. Energy Resources Questions will attempt to asses the general awareness of candidates about the conventional and non-conventional sources of energy and their uses in human life.
5. Industries Attempt will be made to assess the general awareness of the candidates about the types and size of industries and their impact on state economy.
6. Environment Questions will be related to environment and its protection, pollution, natural climates and their impact on quality of human life.
7. Planning and Evaluation Attempt will be to assess the general awareness of candidates about different aspect of five year plans till date, various programmes of urban and rural development, economic planning and its evaluation and status of Madhya Pradesh in the context of Country.
8. Administrative Structure of Madhya Pradesh Questions will be related to general knowledge of candidates about administrative units – Division, District, Tehsil and Development-Blocks; their relationship and administrative structure.
9. Rural and Urban Administrative Structure Questions will be pertaining to the general knowledge of candidate about organization and administrative structure of Panchayati Raj, Municipality and Municipal corporation.
10. Games and Sports Attempt will be made to assess the awareness of candidates related to organization, management and facilities for different games and sports. The question will also be related to different State awards, and personalities and contribution of Government and non-Government agencies.
11. Culture, Literature, Music, Dance, Arts and History of M.P. 1. Culture The questions will be related to nature, types their salient features and impact on human life. 2. Literature i) Ancient- Kalidas, Bharthari, Bhavbhuti, Vanabhatta. ii) Medieval- Keshav, Padmakar, Bhusan. iii) Modern- Pandit Makhanlal Chaturvedi, Shubhadra Kumari Chauhan, Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh, Balkrishna Sharma “Navin”, Bhavani Prashad Mishra, Harishankar Parsai, Sharad Joshi, Mulla Ramoozi, Shiv-Mangal Singh, Suman and Nanddulare Vajpai iv) Folk Literature/Dialects of Madhya Pradesh. Isuri, Singaji.. 3. Music & Dance Tradition i. Music Tradition – Tansen, Ustad Allauddin Khan, Ustad Hafiz Ali Khan, Pandit Krishna Rao, Shankar Pandit, Rajabhaiya Poonchwale, Ustad Amir Khan, Kumar Gandharva, Maharaj Chakradhar Singh, Pandit Kartik Ram. ii. Dance Tradition- Major styles of folk music, major folk dances. 4. Arts Questions on general nature will be related to characteristics of Rock painting, folk painting, modern painting school and important painters. It will also have questions related to major folk and other theatres. 5. Major Schedule Tribes It will assess the general awareness of candidates related to names, characteristics, habitats, major fairs and festivals and cultural structure of major schedule tribes. It will also have questions related to different programmes of State Government for the upliftment of Schedule Tribes. 6. Programmes of State Government in the field of Culture The questions will attempt to assess general knowledge of the candidate related to literacy academics and institutions. The questions will also be related to different Music and Fine Arts School and Cultural festivals. There will be questions awards given by the state for the significant contribution in the field of literature, music and fine arts. 7. Archaeological Heritage The questions of general knowledge will be related to significance and characteristics of major historical, archaeological and tourist places. 8. Historical perspective of Madhya Pradesh The questions will be related to creation of M.P. and important dynasties and rules of M.P.. It will also have questions related to contribution of M.P. in freedom movement.
PART 1- Applied grammar containing topics like parts of speech vocabulary, Active Passive, Direct and indirect speech, Transformation of sentence. PART 2- Sentence completion questions (fill in the blanks) These will be of the nature of multiple choice questions. PART 3- Questions on reading comprehension.
सामान्य हिंदी
भाग-1 व्याकरण  सम्बन्धी वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न जिसमें संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, संधि, समास, कारक आधारित पांच प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे । भाग-2 वाक्य संरचना, वाक्य के प्रकार, वाक्यगत अशुद्धि, शब्दगत अशुद्धि, एवं तत्सम, तद्भव से सम्बंधित प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे । भाग-3 पारिभाषिक शब्द (प्रशासनिक शब्द), विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची शब्द, मुहावरे, कहावतें, प्रारूप लेखन, संक्षेपण आधारित पांच प्रश्न होंगे । भाग-4 अपठित गद्यांश से संबंधित पांच वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे ।
Arithmetic : Average profit and loss, simple and compound interest, Area Time, work and Labor, Time and distance, Square root, Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, use of log table, volumes of rectangular surface and solids.
Algebra : Fundamental laws and first four rules additions, Subtraction, multiplication, division, simple formula and their use factors, H.C.F. L.C.M. by factors, fractions, simple equations, factors of easy trinomial expression of second degree.
Geometry : Line and Angles. parallels, triangles, congruence inequalities, parallelograms, application of parallels, bisectors, perpendicular etc. Construction of angles, construction of triangles, construction of quadrilaterals, theorems of areas of triangles and parallelograms, Area of quadrilaterals, theorem of Pythagoras and its converse, reduction of quadrilaterals to an equivalent triangle, reduction of a rectilimel figure to a triangle or rectangle of equal areas, construction of a rectangle of given area and having one side of given length, miscellaneous construction, loci, Intersection of Loci, exercises on loci.
Trigonometry : Circular measure, definitions of trigonometric rations, simple problems on height and distance.
Optional Subjects : Please follow the link mentioned below to see the detailed syllabi of both two papers for all optional subjects :
For more Information please visithttp://www.mppsc.nic.in/


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