Rajasthan High Court JJA Syllabus & Raj HC Judicial Assistant Exam patternavailable official site download www.hcraj.nic.in HC Raj stenographer syllabus online: Rajasthan High Court JJA Syllabus, Rajasthan HC Jr personal Assistant syllabus, Raj HC Judicial Assistant Exam pattern, Rajasthan High Court JPA Pattern, HC Raj stenographer syllabus, hcraj.nic.in
Rajasthan High Court Junior Judicial Assistant Syllabus 2015 Download Online. Rajasthan High Court has released notification for 684 Junior Judicial Assistant, Junior Personal Assistant and Assistant Grade 3 posts. Large number of posts recruited by this recruitment, most of the eligible competitors have applied before last date for this Rajasthan High Court Junior Judicial Assistant Recruitment 2015. Rajasthan High Court Junior Judicial Assistant is planned to conduct written exam at assorted centers. Rajasthan High Court recruitment board is conducting written exam as a part of recruitment and for the sake of applicants convenience board has released Rajasthan High Court Junior Judicial Assistant Exam Pattern 2015 in official portal.
Raj HC Judicial Assistant Exam pattern
Name of the Organization: Rajasthan High Court
Association website: www.hcraj.nic.in
Number of Vacancies: 684 posts
Job Category: Government
Job Location: Rajasthan
Selection process:
Candidates will be selected based on their performance in written test and Typing test.
Raj HC Judicial Assistant Exam pattern
Rajasthan High Court Junior Judicial Assistant Syllabus 2015 Download Online. Rajasthan High Court has released notification for 684 Junior Judicial Assistant, Junior Personal Assistant and Assistant Grade 3 posts. Large number of posts recruited by this recruitment, most of the eligible competitors have applied before last date for this Rajasthan High Court Junior Judicial Assistant Recruitment 2015. Rajasthan High Court Junior Judicial Assistant is planned to conduct written exam at assorted centers. Rajasthan High Court recruitment board is conducting written exam as a part of recruitment and for the sake of applicants convenience board has released Rajasthan High Court Junior Judicial Assistant Exam Pattern 2015 in official portal.
Raj HC Judicial Assistant Exam pattern
Name of the Organization: Rajasthan High Court
Association website: www.hcraj.nic.in
Number of Vacancies: 684 posts
Job Category: Government
Job Location: Rajasthan
Selection process:
Candidates will be selected based on their performance in written test and Typing test.
- Exam consists of two sections A & B
- Section A Written test and section B typing test
- Section A each Part consists of 100 marks
- The subjects are English, Hindi and general knowledge
- Duration of the exam is 2hrs
- Section B There will be type test on computer
- The test will be 100 marks
- Speed test and efficiency test carrying 50 marks each
- Duration of the exam is 10 minutes
Jr. personal assistant/ stenographer Gr-II (ENGLISH) | Duration | Speed of dictation | Marks |
English shorthand | 8 minutes | 90 words per minute | 50 marks |
Transcription and typing of dictated passage in English on computer | 60 minutes |
Stenographer Gr-II (Hindi) | Duration | Speed of dictation | Marks |
Hindi shorthand | 8 minutes | 75 words per minute | 50 marks |
Transcription and typing of dictated passage in Hindi on computer | 70 minutes |
Rajasthan High Court JJA Syllabus pdf
Rajasthan High Court JPA Pattern pdf
Rajasthan High Court
Rajasthan High Court is an authorized High Court of Rajasthan State. The Rajasthan High court was established in 1949. It is located in Jodhpur. It is registered society of Advocates practicing at Jaipur. It follows Judiciary acts under Indian Penal Court to solve Civil and Criminal cases of people who approach the High court through petitions. The Rajasthan High Court releases notifications every year for recruitment of skilled candidates into various posts. Eligible candidates who are interested in Government Jobs in Rajasthan can apply to this posts in online mode after the release of notification. Aspirants can visit the authoritative website for further details. The official website of Rajasthan High Court is www.hcraj.nic.in.
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