TSPSC Syllabus 2015 TSPSC Horticulture Officer Syllabus 2015 in pdf Telangana State PSC Horticulture Officer Exam Pattern 2015 Telangana PSC Horticulture Officer Exam Syllabus 2015 : TSPSC horticulture officer syllabus 2015, Telangana PSC horticulture officer syllabus, TSPSC HO syllabus, TSPSC horticulture officer exam pattern, TS PSC horticulture officer model papers, TSPSC HO syllabus PDF, tspsc.gov.in
TSPSC Exam Syllabus 2015
Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) will conduct a written examination for the recruitment to the posts of Horticulture Officer. Candidates who are going to participate in this written test can get the syllabus and exam pattern from hereunder.
TSPSC horticulture officer syllabus 2015
Telangana state public service commission is shortly called as TSPSC. Generally the public service commission carries all the recruitments carried by the government. It releases the advertisements regarding the released recruitments. Till the end of the selection process i.e. interview the PSC board handles the recruitment and selects efficient employees. Recently TSPSC horticulture officer recruitment 2015 was released. Candidates have applied for the recruitment through the official site tspsc.gov.in. The board collected the application forms and applicants are suggested not to waste the time. They can collect the TSPSC horticulture officer syllabus 2015 and prepare well for the examination.
TSPSC horticulture officer exam pattern
Name of Organization: Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC)
Official Website: www.tspsc.gov.in
Job role: Agricultural officer, Horticulture officer
Total vacant posts: 195 positions
Job category: Government
Job Location: Telangana
TSPSC Horticulture Officer Selection process:
- Paper A: paper I and paper II : 450 marks
- Paper B: interview: 50 marks
Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for the Engineering Manager written Exam is as Follows:-
Paper | Subject | Questions | Marks | Time Duration |
Paper – I | General Studies & General Abilities | 150 | 150 | 02:30 Hrs. |
Paper – II | Horticulture | 150 | 300 | 02:30 Hrs. |
- The written exam will be multiple choice objective type.
- There will also be a Interview of 50 marks.
Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for Telangana PSC AEE (Civil) Exam is given below :-
Current affairs – Regional, National and International.
International Affairs.
General Science; India’s Achievements in Science and Technology.
Environmental issues; Disaster Management- Prevention and Mitigation Strategies.
Economic and Social Development of India and Telangana.
Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India.
Physical, Social and Economic Geography and Demography of Telangana.
Socio-economic, Political and Cultural History of Modern India with special emphasis on Indian National Movement.
Socio-economic, Political and Cultural History of Telangana with special emphasis on Telangana Statehood Movement and formation of Telangana state.
Indian Constitution; Indian Political System; Governance and Public Policy.
Social Exclusion; Rights issues such as Gender, Caste, Tribe, Disability etc. and inclusive policies.
Society, Culture, Heritage, Literature of Telangana.
Policies of Telangana State.
Logical Reasoning; Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation.
Basic English. (10th class Standard)
Classification of Horticultural crops. Horticultural zones of India. Principles, planning and layout,propagation: Pruning and training of fruit crops, Plant growth regulators; methods of irrigation and fertilizer application: Cropping systems: Fruitfulness and Unfruitfulness; Rejuvenation of old orchards and top working.Methods of plant propagation — Sexual & Asexual; Graft incompatibility; Seed dormancy; Nursery techniques; Different propagating structures; Bud wood certification, Nursery Registration Act. Orchard management – Soil management – Integrated nutrient management, pollination & fruit set problems in orchard, Crop regulation in relation to cropping systems.
Fruit crops – Production technology, value addition and post harvest management of major tropical, subtropical and other dry land fruit crops. Special production problems. Crop improvement, pest and disease management. Temperate fruit crops – Production technology, Value addition and post harvest management. Crop improvement pests and diseases in temperate fruits crops.
Vegetable crops – role in human nutrition. Production technology of important tropical and temperate vegetable crops. Vegetables seed production, techniques of raising nursery in different vegetable crops; Breeding methods and crop improvement of vegetable crops; Physiological disorders: Pests and diseases of vegetables.
Scope and Importance of commercial Floriculture. Production technology of major loose flower crops. Production technology and post harvest management of major cut flowers. Physiological disorders; Post harvest management of cut flowers; Techniques for Flower drying; Landscaping – Basic principles & Elements of Landscape design, Principles of gardening. Gardens – Special types, Components, structures, adornments, methods of designing; lawn making and Plants for landscaping. Flower arrangement; Bio aesthetic planning; Bonsai culture.
Production Technology, Post Harvest Management and Value Addition or Major Spices, condiments and Plantation Crops. Medicinal and Aromatic crops cultivation in India and Telangana – Production Technology, harvesting and processing, chemical composition, extraction, use of important Medicinal and Aromatic crops.
Post Harvest Technology in Horticultural Crops, maturity indices, harvesting, handling, grading of fruits, vegetables, cut flowers, plantation crops, medicinal and aromatic plants. Pre harvest factors; Deterioration – physiological and biochemical changes,. Post harvest treatments; Quality parameters and specifications; Storage, Packaging, and transport: Food Processing Techniques. Principles and methods of Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables. Preparation of various products from Fruits and Vegetables; Food spoilage; Quality control of processed products, Govt. policy on import and export of processed fruits and vegetables.
Insect Pests of Fruits. Plantation. Medicinal, Aromatic Crops, Vegetable. Ornamental and Spice Crops. Integrated Pest Management. Nematode pests and their management. Apiculture. Sericulture : Mori culture. Lac culture.
Plant diseases, Pathogens, their survival and spread; disease symptoms, etiology and Plant disease management. Integrated Disease Management practices in Fruits, Vegetables, Flower crops, Medicinal and Plantation crops. Mushroom cultivation — Pest and disease management.
Ultra Structure of Plant Cells and Organs: Principles of Plant Genetics; Mendel laws; gene action; mutations; chromosomes: Cell division; DNA . RNA and protein synthesis; linkage and crossing over; Chromosomal aberrations. Plant Bleeding — Scope and importance: Floral biology, emasculation and pollination techniques in horticultural crops.
Plant genetic resources — applications in crop improvement; modes of pollination and reproduction. Methods of breeding in self, cross and vegetative propagated crops. Self incompatibility and male sterility. Breeding objectives, methods and important concepts of breeding. procedures of varietal and Hybrid development in major fruit, vegetable, ornamental and plantation crops. Breeding for insect, disease and drought resistance. Stability.
Plant biotechnology – Sterilization techniques: Plant tissue culture and genetic engineering methods and applications in crop improvement. Gene transfer methods; transgenic plants; molecular markers; marker assisted selection. Seed Technology — seed quality — seed classes – Deterioration of crop varieties. Seed production of major horticultural crops. Seed certification seed act etc, IPRs; Seed storage; Seed treatment; drying and processing of seeds.
Classification of weeds, propagation and dissemination: Concepts of weed prevention. control and eradication: Integrated weed Management in major horticultural crops. Organic Production requirements, Biological intensive Nutrient Management, Integrated disease and Pest Management in Horticulture Crops. Cropping systems in Agriculture; Classification of Agro Forestry systems. Types of Manures and Fertilizers, Fertilizer use efficiency; Quality Control; Integrated Nutrient Management for Horticultural Crops Water Management in Major Horticultural Crops.
Plant Bio Chemistry – Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, enzymes, and plant pigments – their Physical and Chemical Properties. Mode of action and metabolism of Carbohydrates. Seed Physiology, structure and development, Physiological maturity, Harvestable Maturity, Seed viability and vigor; Wider relations in Plants; Plant Nutrition, Physiological role of Plant Nutrients; Photosynthesis, Seed Dormancy; Plant growth regulators, Physiology of Flowering, Physiological aspects of pruning and training in Horticultural crops. Micro Biology- General Properties of micro organisms. Biogas production, Microbial inoculants, Bio fertilizers, Micro bio pesticides; microbial agency for control of plant disease.
Farm power — Sources, implements and equipments used In farm operations. Surveying and leveling; soil erosion: drip and sprinkler irrigation systems, water harvesting structures and watershed development. Natural resources. Ecosystem, biodiversity, environmental pollution and global warm rig. Horticultural waste management, climate change, Environmental protection Act.
Statistics; frequency; measures of center tendency; dispersion: testing of hypothesis: correlation and regression: experimental designs. Computers-anatomy- operating systems WINDOWS- MS OFFICE-MS ACCESS-MS WORD-MS POWER POINT-MS EXCEL.
Divisions of economics; economic systems; Classification of goods, utility, Demand & Supply;Factors of production; Theories of Population; Capita, theories of interest. Farm management; various economic principles applied to farm management, cost and Income measures, types of farming, farm planning; farm records, capital budgeting techniques. WTO.
Extension education-teaching and learning; Audiovisual aids; rural development; sociology; rural sociology-education psychology-transfer of technology-farm women and rural youth-programme Planning process-participatory rural appraisal-leadership-management and administration-human resource development. Forms and methods of communication, group communication methods; entrepreneurship development. small and medium enterprises (SMEs/SSIs.). SWOT analysis, Public and private partnerships. Export and Import policies relevant to Horticultural sector, Globalization and emerging entrepreneur environment.
For more Information please visit – http://www.tspsc.gov.in
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