PSPCL Exam Date PSPCL JE LDC UDC Admit Card 2015 Exam Scheme/ Syllabus : PSPCL Admit Card 2015 for JE LDC UDC Exam Available at - PSPCL Admit Card 2015 PSPCL JE LDC UDC Admit Card download PSPCL UDC LDC JE Admit card
PSPCL Admit Card 2015 PSPCL JE LDC UDC Admit Card download – Punjab State Power Corporation Limited is going to conduct written test for CRA No.285/15 & Advt CRA-286/2015 of various vacancies of Junior Engineer, Upper Division Clerk, LDC, Electrician, Technician, Sub Station Attendant, Revenue Accountant etc posts. Candidates who successfully applied for above advt, they have to download PSPCL admit card from below official link.
Name of Organisation – Punjab State Power Corporation Limited
Exam Name – JE, LDC, UDC, Technician, Sub Station Attendant, Revenue Accountant
Admit card download status – to be release
Exam date – December 2015
Official website –
PSPCL Phase-1 Examination Schedule:-
Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)/Cashier: 19, 20, 26, 27 Dec 2015
UDC (General): 28, 29th (1st Shift), 30 Dec 2015
UDC (Accounts): 30 Dec 2015
Exam will be multiple choice type and full mark of the exam will be 100. Questions will be set on General Knowledge, General English and Reasoning. There will be negative marking of 0.25 for each wrong answer. Merit list of selected candidates will be prepared based on the marks obtained in the written exam. Applicants will have to secure at least cut off mark in order to get enlisted in the merit list. PSPCL Cut Off Mark 2015 is 50% for General category and 40% for Reserved candidates. Applicants are recommended to take solid preparation based on the exam pattern and syllabus prescribed by the selection board of PSPCL.
This section will focus on the candidate knowledge. This part will have questions based on current events happening, important dates and personalities names, Indian history, Geography, polity, economy. About the current affairs and sports. This section will have questions based on on-verbal series, coding and decoding. Statement conclusion, Word Building, Seating arrangement, Blood relations, Coding-decoding, Direction sense test, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, Number Series, syllogism, Input-Output, Similarities and differences, analogy, space visualization / orientation, Arithmetic number series. Focus on the data interpretation and decision making. This section will have questions on reading, misspelled words, close passages, Jumbled sentences, reading comprehension, error correction, fill in the blanks and many more.
PSPCL Admit Card 2015 PSPCL JE LDC UDC Admit Card download – Punjab State Power Corporation Limited is going to conduct written test for CRA No.285/15 & Advt CRA-286/2015 of various vacancies of Junior Engineer, Upper Division Clerk, LDC, Electrician, Technician, Sub Station Attendant, Revenue Accountant etc posts. Candidates who successfully applied for above advt, they have to download PSPCL admit card from below official link.
Name of Organisation – Punjab State Power Corporation Limited
Exam Name – JE, LDC, UDC, Technician, Sub Station Attendant, Revenue Accountant
Admit card download status – to be release
Exam date – December 2015
Official website –
PSPCL Phase-1 Examination Schedule:-
Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)/Cashier: 19, 20, 26, 27 Dec 2015
UDC (General): 28, 29th (1st Shift), 30 Dec 2015
UDC (Accounts): 30 Dec 2015
Download PSPCL Admit Card Here
Check PSPCL Written Examination dates – Click Here
PSPCL Exam Scheme / Exam pattern 2015
Exam will be multiple choice type and full mark of the exam will be 100. Questions will be set on General Knowledge, General English and Reasoning. There will be negative marking of 0.25 for each wrong answer. Merit list of selected candidates will be prepared based on the marks obtained in the written exam. Applicants will have to secure at least cut off mark in order to get enlisted in the merit list. PSPCL Cut Off Mark 2015 is 50% for General category and 40% for Reserved candidates. Applicants are recommended to take solid preparation based on the exam pattern and syllabus prescribed by the selection board of PSPCL.
PSPCL JE UDC LDC General Knowledge Syllabus
This section will focus on the candidate knowledge. This part will have questions based on current events happening, important dates and personalities names, Indian history, Geography, polity, economy. About the current affairs and sports. This section will have questions based on on-verbal series, coding and decoding. Statement conclusion, Word Building, Seating arrangement, Blood relations, Coding-decoding, Direction sense test, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, Number Series, syllogism, Input-Output, Similarities and differences, analogy, space visualization / orientation, Arithmetic number series. Focus on the data interpretation and decision making. This section will have questions on reading, misspelled words, close passages, Jumbled sentences, reading comprehension, error correction, fill in the blanks and many more.
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