Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Final Result 2015 Declared @ hcraj.nic.in: rajasthan high court, civil judge result 2015, civil judge final result 2015, civil judge interview result 2015, high court, civil judge
Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Final Result 2015: The Rajasthan High Court has released the final result of Civil Judge on the official website. Earlier the high court has successfully conducted the preliminary and main exams and all those who had qualified in the prelims and mains have appeared for the interview which was held in the month of November 2015. The candidates who had appeared for the interview have been waiting for the final result ever since. And now those who had appeared for the exam can check and download the Civil Judge final results from the official website or from the direct link provided below.
Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Final Result 2015 Declared @ hcraj.nic.in
The Rajasthan High Court is the High Court of the state of Rajasthan which was established on 21st June 1949 under the Rajasthan High Court Ordinance, 1949. The High Court will conduct the examinations for the recruitment of various posts in various departments by releasing the notification as and when there is a requirement. Like every year, this year also the Rajasthan High Court has released the notification and successfully conducted the prelims exam for the posts of Civil Judge. exam and the interviews for the candidates who had qualified in the written exam. The aspirants who had appeared for the interview can check the final results from the official website or from the direct link provided here.
The candidates who got qualified in the prelims have appeared for the mains exam and the qualified candidates have appeared for the interviews. The candidates who had appeared for the interview session have been waiting for the final results ever since. Now the good news is the final results are out and those who had been waiting can check the final results from the official website or from the link provided below. It is advised to all the candidates to check and save the results for further reference.
Procedure to Check Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Final Result 2015
- Visit the official website or click the direct link provided below.
- Click on Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Final Result 2015.
- The list of selected candidates will appear on the screen as PDF.Check the results.
- Save it and take a printout for further reference
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