SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2016
SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2016, SBI Clerk 2016 Exam Pattern, sbi clerk exam scheme
SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2016
- Examination and Hall Instructions.
- Exam will be held in online mode only.
- Candidates will be assigned a computer system to solve the question paper.
- He would have to mark the answers using mouse.
- Use of keyboards is prohibited during the examination.
- Login screen will be active 10 minutes before the exam commences.
- Candidate will be given those 10 minutes to read the instructions.
- Candidate is not allowed to bring any written or printed material inside the exam hall.
- You are not allowed to bring any electronic device, mobile, pager inside the exam hall.
SBI Clerk 2016 Exam Pattern for Question Paper
- Questions will be objective type/multiple choices in nature.
- For each question, 4-5 options would be given, out of which one would be correct.
- Candidate has to mark the correct response to get the marks assigned for each question.
- There are 5 sections in the question paper – (i) General Awareness (ii) General English (iii) Quantitative Aptitude (iv) Reasoning Ability (v) Marketing Aptitude/Computer Knowledge.
- All the questions would be in Hindi and English except the English section.
- Each section would be of 40 marks.
- Total marks in the exam are 200.
- Total time given to the candidate to attempt the questions is 135 minutes.
- Candidate can surf between questions and sections as many times as he wants.
- For each wrong answer, ¼ marks will be deducted.
- For each correct answer, 1 mark will be given.
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