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Thursday, 21 January 2016

CMAT 2016 Result | AICTE CMAT Score Card Name Wise Roll No Wise Download @ aicte.cmat.in

CMAT 2016 Result | AICTE CMAT Score Card Name Wise Roll No Wise  Download @ aicte.cmat.in: www.aicte-cmat.in, cmat 2016 result by name, cmat 2016 result, aicte cmat 2016 results, cmat score card 2016, aicte cmat 2016 score card download, cmat january 2016 result, cmat 2016 score card validity, Toppers Name List,CMAT 2016  Toppers List, CMAT 2016 Rank card,CMAT 2016  rank List, cut off marks
CMAT 2016 Result | AICTE CMAT Score Card Name Wise Roll No Wise Download @ aicte.cmat.in
All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) successfully conducted the Common Management Admission Test (CMAT) on 17th January 2016. A large number of aspirants applied and appeared for the examination across various examination centers. All the candidates who had written the exam are eagerly waiting for the results. Here is the good news for all those aspirants who had appeared for the exam. AICTE declared CMAT 2016 results. Candidates can check the results now from the direct link provided below.
CMAT Result 2016
All India Council for Technical Education was set-up in November 1945 as a national level Apex Advisory Body to conduct survey on the facilities on technical education and to promote development in the country in a coordinated and integrated manner. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is an authorized council to arrange Common Management Admission Test all over India for exercising admission to Post Graduate Management Programs. A large number of Institutes and Colleges give admission in Post Graduate course approving AICTE CMAT Exam Score Card. The AICTE takes CMAT Exam two times in a year.
AICTE CMAT Cut Off 2016 (Expected)
Before few months ago the authority members of the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) has announced the official notification for taking Common Management Admission Test (CMAT) 2016.
AICTE CMAT Score Card 2016
For the current year the official announcement was made by the authority members of the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) and there were many waited candidates have booked their names for the test and also appeared in the test session.

CMAT 2016 Cut off Marks

Sr. NoCollegeExpected CMAT Cut off 2016 (Percentile and Score)
1Acharya Bangalore Business School (ABBS), Bangalore90 Percentile (180)
2Asia Pacific Institute of Management, New Delhi85 Percentile (180)
3Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi75 Percentile (160)
4Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Management, Pune75 Percentile (160)
5Goa Institute of Management, Goa99.85 Percentile (260)
6Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida82 Percentile (170)
7Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS) Mumbai99.92 Percentile (285)
8K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research (KJSIMSR), Mumbai99.20 Percentile (246)
9MET Institute of Management, Mumbai97.27 Percentile (218)
10Pune University Department of Management Studies (PUMBA DMS)96.42 Percentile (210)
11We School Mumbai99.06 Percentile (244)
12XISS Ranchi95 Percentile (199)

Check AICTE CMAT Result Score card 2016:

AICTE invited online applications for CMAT 2016 examination. A huge number of eligible and interested candidates applied and appeared for the examination. AICTE declared CMAT 2016 results. Candidates who had written the examination in the month of January 2016 can check the results now from the direct link provided below.
Name of the Organization: All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
Name of the Exam: Common Management Admission Test (CMAT 2016)
Date of the Exam: 17th January 2016
Category: Results

Steps to Check AICTE CMAT Results 2016:

  1. Visit the official website or the direct link provided below
  2. The homepage will be displayed
  3. Click on AICTE CMAT Results 2016.
  4. Enter your roll number, Date of birth and other required details in the provided fields
  5. Click on submit button.
  6. The results will appear on the screen.
  7. Check the results
  8. Download/Take a printout for further reference.

>>> Click Here for CMAT 2016 Result Score card <<<


& Comment


  1. Thanks a lot for sharing CMAT result, cutoff and other details. Can you provide some practice tests and study materials also? In my quest to find a good CMAT mock test, I came across http://www.prep.youth4work.com/Management/CMAT-Test
    and found it really relevant as there were over 4000 questions with a similar test pattern and experience of CMAT. But it is a premium service. So can you provide me any free mock test.



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