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Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Total Solar Eclipse 2016 Timing, Astrology Live Updates Watch Online Streaming 8-9 March

Total Solar Eclipse 2016 and solar eclipse in india 2016 on 8 and 9th March 2016 when is solar eclipse in 2016 in india timing and solar eclipse March 2016 in bangalore, Live streaming Total solar Eclipse 2016 online at slooh: Total Solar Eclipse will be held on 8-9th March 2016. This only visible from some of the areas from India. It will have a magnitude of 1.0450 visible across an area of Pacific Ocean, beginning in Indonesia, and ending in the northern Pacific Ocean.

What is a Solar Eclipse and When it Occurs?

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun's, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness.

How Much Area will be cover Total Solar Eclipse 2016?

On March 9 2016 a large area of the Pacific, covering Indonesia, Malaysia, but also large parts of South-East Asia and Australia will witness a partial solar eclipse. It will be total in Indonesia and the central Pacific, starting at sunrise over Sumatra and ending at sunset north of Hawaii. In the Eastern Pacific Ocean the totality will exceed a duration of more than 4 minutes. The yellow lines indicate the 50% partial eclipsed lines.In most parts of India and Nepal the sun will rise partially eclipsed. Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea will witness more than 50% partial eclipse. Cambodia will get more than 50% partial eclipse.The largest city along the path of totality is Palembang in southern Sumatra (423 km from Jakarta and 478 km from Singapore).

What is the Timing of Total Solar Eclipse 2016?

The eclipse will startup at 23:19 UTC on March 8, 2016, and its maximum point will take place at 01:59 UTC on March 9, 2016. Totality will last for 4 minutes and 9 seconds.

In Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia solar eclipse will be commence partial phase at 06:20:29 and begin totality 07:20:48 and where have 1.032 Magnitude of Solar eclipse.

When the Eclipse Happens Worldwide according to the Indian Time?

First location to see the partial eclipse begin at 04:49, 9 March and Full Eclipse Startup at 05:45, ( March and Maximum Solar Eclipse will be held at 7:29, 9 March and Last location to see the full eclipse end at 9:08, 9 March and Last location to see the partial eclipse end at 10:04, 9 March.

Where we can watch Live Total Solar Eclipse Live Streaming Online?

The Live coverage of Solar Eclipse will be available on live.slooh.com from Indonesia


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