Railway RRB NTPC Questions Asked 16 April 2016 with Solution (3rd Shift/ Slot) - Railway CBT Online Exam Non Technical Paper 16.04.2016 (Evening Session) - Indian Railway Non Technical CBT Online Exam Paper Solution (Afternoon Session) for Goods Guard, ASM, Traffic Apprentice, JAA, Typist, Senior Clerk, ECRC CA, Traffic Assistant, Senior Time Keeper.
Railway Non Technical Graduate Level Exam Review and Analysis held on March 16th April 2016 available at official website indianrailways.gov.in.
RRB NTPC Answer Key
RRB NTPC Previous Year Question Paper
RRB NTPC Exam Review & Paper Analysis
RRB NTPC Asked Questions
RRB NTPC Cut Off Marks Previous Year
RRB Railway Recruitment
RRB NTPC Admit Card
RRB NTPC Online Mock Test
Each question carries one and half mark.
Negative marking system for each question for which an incorrect has been given by the aspirant, 1/3 of the marks assigned to the MCQs question will be deducted as penalty to arrive to the obtained mark.
The question paper will be divided into four sections:
General Knowledge (20 marks), Arithmetic Ability (25 marks), General Intelligence (25 marks) and General Science (30 marks).
The exam is likely to be highly competitive as huge number of applicants will sit for the exam. So, they will have to take preparation according to the prescribed exam pattern and syllabus.
RRB NTPC Answer Key
RRB NTPC Previous Year Question Paper
RRB NTPC Exam Review & Paper Analysis
RRB NTPC Asked Questions
RRB NTPC Cut Off Marks Previous Year
RRB Railway Recruitment
RRB NTPC Admit Card
RRB NTPC Online Mock Test
Railway Non Technical (16.04.2016) Question Asked
Railway Non Technical (16.04.2016) Question Asked Evening Slot : Download Online RRB NTPC CEN 03/2015 Answer Key with Question Paper Solution All Sets Wise in pdf for All Regions. RRB NTPC Online Exam Asked Questions in GK, GS, Arithmetic, GI Subjects for Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening Shift or 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd Slot/ Session/ Phase/ Batch.Railway Non Technical Graduate Level Exam Review and Analysis held on March 16th April 2016 available at official website indianrailways.gov.in.
RRB NTPC Questions List for 16th April 2016
Today RRB NTPC All Questions 16 April 2016
After 12th April, Today RRB Conduct Online Exam at various examination centres all across different regions on 12th April 2016. Indian railway schedule cbt exam for March/ April Month on various dates for all regions. Huge number of Candidates appeared in the examination and now they are looking for asked questions in various subject papers. We will provide here every shift and day question paper and solution key. The written exam was conducted in 3 shifts (shift I 9.00 am, Shift II 12.30 am to 11.45 am, shift III 4 pm). As per the official information, the online test comprised of 5 sections i.e. Reasoning, Numerical Ability, General Awareness, Computer Knowledge, and English.
(3rd Shift/ Slot) RRB NTPC 16 April GK Questions
Name of the Organization: Railway Recruitment Boards of Indian Railways
Official Site: www.indianrailways.gov.in
Job Role: (Commercial Apprentice (CA), Traffic Apprentice(TA), Enquiry-Cum- Reservation-Clerk (ECRC), Goods Guard, Junior Accounts Assistant-Cum-Typist (JAA), Senior Clerk-Cum-Typist, Asst Station Master (ASM),Traffic Assistant and Senior Time keeper)
Vacancies: 18252 posts
Job Category: Central government
Job Location: India
Date of Examinations: Remaining Exams
April Month: 16th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th April 2016.
Exam Duration: The duration of computer based test(CBT) will be 90 minutes (120 minutes for PWD candidates with scribe)
Number of Questions: 100
Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions.
Negative Marking: 1/3rd for every incorrect answers.
Exam language: English, hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Konkani, Odia, Assamese, Manipuri, Malayalam & Urdu (15 languages).
Official Site: www.indianrailways.gov.in
Job Role: (Commercial Apprentice (CA), Traffic Apprentice(TA), Enquiry-Cum- Reservation-Clerk (ECRC), Goods Guard, Junior Accounts Assistant-Cum-Typist (JAA), Senior Clerk-Cum-Typist, Asst Station Master (ASM),Traffic Assistant and Senior Time keeper)
Vacancies: 18252 posts
Job Category: Central government
Job Location: India
Exam dates: 16th April 2016
Category: Asked Questions/ Answer Key/ Exam Review/ Paper AnalysisDate of Examinations: Remaining Exams
April Month: 16th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th April 2016.
Exam Duration: The duration of computer based test(CBT) will be 90 minutes (120 minutes for PWD candidates with scribe)
Number of Questions: 100
Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions.
Negative Marking: 1/3rd for every incorrect answers.
Exam language: English, hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Konkani, Odia, Assamese, Manipuri, Malayalam & Urdu (15 languages).
Time | Exam Shift 1(09.00 to 10.30) | Exam Shift 2(12.30 to 14.00) | Exam Shift 3(16.00 to 17.30) |
Reporting Timing | 07.30 | 11.00 | 14.30 |
Gate Closing Timing | 08.15 | 11.45 | 15.15 |
Exam Starting Timing | 09.00 | 12.30 | 16.00 |
RRB Non-Technical Exam Pattern 2016
The written exam will consist of 100 multiple choice questions.Each question carries one and half mark.
Negative marking system for each question for which an incorrect has been given by the aspirant, 1/3 of the marks assigned to the MCQs question will be deducted as penalty to arrive to the obtained mark.
The question paper will be divided into four sections:
General Knowledge (20 marks), Arithmetic Ability (25 marks), General Intelligence (25 marks) and General Science (30 marks).
The exam is likely to be highly competitive as huge number of applicants will sit for the exam. So, they will have to take preparation according to the prescribed exam pattern and syllabus.
Indian Railway Non Technical CBT Online Exam GS/ GK Question Paper Solution
Candidates can check today questions paper and answer key. We suggest to all aspirants to share this question their friends on social media.
{16 April} Railway CBT Online Exam Questions with Solution (3rd Shift/ Slot)
RRB NTPC 16th April shift 3 GK & GS Questions
1)When was AAP Party established?
A: November 26, 2012
2) Name the largest moon of pluto ?
A: charon
3) What is full form of TCP in terms of network?
A: Transfer control protocol
4) Who is the founder of twitter?
A: Evan Williams, Noah Glass, Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone
5) Which is largest moon in solar system?
A: Ganymede
6) Bharat ratna awarded prime minsters?
A: Atal bihari vajpayee and madan mohan malaviya
7) What is bank name of BRICS?
A: NDB( New development bank)
8) Who is founder of ABO Blood group?
A: Karl landsteiner
9) Who is Badminton winner of 1980?
A: Prakash Padukone
10) What is old name of Singapore?
11) Odd one out
Rupaya ruban dinar coin
12) Madurai is situated beside which river?
13) Who invented Radioactivity ?
A: Henri Becquerel
14) Which state has Largest forest area?
A: Madhya Pradesh
15) Which state has Largest mangroove forest?
A: west bengal
16) Who is famous king of chola dynasty?
A: karikala chola
17) what the money called after paying cash?
A: Debited
18) What is Japan parliament called as?
A: Diet
Coming Soon.. We Will Update ASAP....
{16 April} Railway CBT Online Exam Questions with Solution (2nd Shift/ Slot)
These are the questions which were asked in afternoon shift (II) of Railway RRB NTPC online exam 2016.
1. Notre Dam Cathedral is Situated At ?
Ans. Paris
2. Who Invented Fountain pen ?
Ans. Petrache Poenaru
3. Who Invented Revolver ?
Ans. Samuel Colt
4. Who Is Largest Serving Chief Minister In India ?
Ans. Jyoti Basu
5. Who Is Governer Of Reserve Bank Of India ?
Ans. Raghuram Rajan
6. What is the Unit of Force?
Ans. Newton
7. Who is Longest Serving Chief Minister in India?
Ans. Pawan Chamling
8. which river flows from tibet?
Ans. Sutlej
9. Atomic Number is equal to ?
Ans. Number of Protons
10. Who is the ICC number 1 test player?
Ans. Steve Smith
11. Who is the ICC President?
Ans. Zaheer Abbas
12. Who is Frontier Gandhi?
Ans. Abdul Ghaffar Khan
13. Who is the First king of vijayanagara dynasty?
Ans. Harihara
14. Who is the King of Pallava Dynasty who wrote stories?
Ans. Narasimhavarman I
15. What is the Full Form of MRP?
Ans. Maximum Retail Price
16. What is the Full Form of MMU?
Ans. Memory Management Unit
17. Swadeshi movement in Which Year ?
Ans. August 1905
18. Constitution Day Observed On ?
Ans. November 26
19. largest statue of jesus christ In world ?
Ans. Swiebodzin, Poland
20. Study Of Environmet ?
Ans. Ecology
21. What is replanting in Forrest called ?
Ans. Reforestation
22. Study Of Heat ?
Ans. Thermodynamics
24. Felithiye Island is Located At ?
Ans. Turkey
25. Who is the Richest Person As per Forbes global list?
Ans. Carlos Slim
26. P.A sangma served as a loksabha speaker in which year?
Ans. 1996 to 1998
27. Cache Memory ?
Ans. RAM(Random Access Memory)
28. Which River Originates Near Tibet ?
Ans. Brahmaputra
GK Questions Asked in RRB Exam: (Morning) 1st Shift
These are the questions which were asked in morning shift (I) of Railway RRB NTPC online exam 2016.
1. First Chocolate made by?
Ans. Harnan Cortes
2. Which is Digital State of India?
Ans. Kerala
3. Who is Chief Election Commissioner of India?
Ans. Nasim Zaidi
4. Who is CEO of Flipkart?
Ans. Binny Bansal
5. Which state produce maximum silk in india?
Ans. Karnataka
6. Highest Bridge is on which River?
Ans. Bhagirathi
7. Who is Commander chief of all Military?
Ans. President
8. Who is winner of Dinanath Mangeskar Award 2015?
Ans. Anil Kapoor
9. Saina Nehwal is from which Game?
Ans. Badminton
10. Who is Rail Minister of India?
Ans. Suresh Prabhu
11. What Changes Milk into Curd?
Ans. Lactobaccilus
12. Which Gas we leave in breathe?
Ans. CO2
13. Violet Planet?
14. What is called brain of Computer?
Ans. CPU
15. What does UHT Stand for?
Ans. Ultra-high temperature
16. Who come to India in Gupta Dynasty?
Ans. Fa-Hien
{16 April} Railway CBT Online Exam Questions with Solution (3rd Shift/ Slot)
RRB NTPC 16th April shift 3 GK & GS Questions
1)When was AAP Party established?
A: November 26, 2012
2) Name the largest moon of pluto ?
A: charon
3) What is full form of TCP in terms of network?
A: Transfer control protocol
4) Who is the founder of twitter?
A: Evan Williams, Noah Glass, Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone
5) Which is largest moon in solar system?
A: Ganymede
6) Bharat ratna awarded prime minsters?
A: Atal bihari vajpayee and madan mohan malaviya
7) What is bank name of BRICS?
A: NDB( New development bank)
8) Who is founder of ABO Blood group?
A: Karl landsteiner
9) Who is Badminton winner of 1980?
A: Prakash Padukone
10) What is old name of Singapore?
11) Odd one out
Rupaya ruban dinar coin
12) Madurai is situated beside which river?
13) Who invented Radioactivity ?
A: Henri Becquerel
14) Which state has Largest forest area?
A: Madhya Pradesh
15) Which state has Largest mangroove forest?
A: west bengal
16) Who is famous king of chola dynasty?
A: karikala chola
17) what the money called after paying cash?
A: Debited
18) What is Japan parliament called as?
A: Diet
Coming Soon.. We Will Update ASAP....{16 April} Railway CBT Online Exam Questions with Solution (2nd Shift/ Slot)
These are the questions which were asked in afternoon shift (II) of Railway RRB NTPC online exam 2016.
1. Notre Dam Cathedral is Situated At ?
Ans. Paris
2. Who Invented Fountain pen ?
Ans. Petrache Poenaru
3. Who Invented Revolver ?
Ans. Samuel Colt
4. Who Is Largest Serving Chief Minister In India ?
Ans. Jyoti Basu
5. Who Is Governer Of Reserve Bank Of India ?
Ans. Raghuram Rajan
6. What is the Unit of Force?
Ans. Newton
7. Who is Longest Serving Chief Minister in India?
Ans. Pawan Chamling
8. which river flows from tibet?
Ans. Sutlej
9. Atomic Number is equal to ?
Ans. Number of Protons
10. Who is the ICC number 1 test player?
Ans. Steve Smith
11. Who is the ICC President?
Ans. Zaheer Abbas
12. Who is Frontier Gandhi?
Ans. Abdul Ghaffar Khan
13. Who is the First king of vijayanagara dynasty?
Ans. Harihara
14. Who is the King of Pallava Dynasty who wrote stories?
Ans. Narasimhavarman I
15. What is the Full Form of MRP?
Ans. Maximum Retail Price
16. What is the Full Form of MMU?
Ans. Memory Management Unit
17. Swadeshi movement in Which Year ?
Ans. August 1905
18. Constitution Day Observed On ?
Ans. November 26
19. largest statue of jesus christ In world ?
Ans. Swiebodzin, Poland
20. Study Of Environmet ?
Ans. Ecology
21. What is replanting in Forrest called ?
Ans. Reforestation
22. Study Of Heat ?
Ans. Thermodynamics
24. Felithiye Island is Located At ?
Ans. Turkey
25. Who is the Richest Person As per Forbes global list?
Ans. Carlos Slim
26. P.A sangma served as a loksabha speaker in which year?
Ans. 1996 to 1998
27. Cache Memory ?
Ans. RAM(Random Access Memory)
28. Which River Originates Near Tibet ?
Ans. Brahmaputra
GK Questions Asked in RRB Exam: (Morning) 1st Shift
These are the questions which were asked in morning shift (I) of Railway RRB NTPC online exam 2016.
1. First Chocolate made by?
Ans. Harnan Cortes
2. Which is Digital State of India?
Ans. Kerala
3. Who is Chief Election Commissioner of India?
Ans. Nasim Zaidi
4. Who is CEO of Flipkart?
Ans. Binny Bansal
5. Which state produce maximum silk in india?
Ans. Karnataka
6. Highest Bridge is on which River?
Ans. Bhagirathi
7. Who is Commander chief of all Military?
Ans. President
8. Who is winner of Dinanath Mangeskar Award 2015?
Ans. Anil Kapoor
9. Saina Nehwal is from which Game?
Ans. Badminton
10. Who is Rail Minister of India?
Ans. Suresh Prabhu
11. What Changes Milk into Curd?
Ans. Lactobaccilus
12. Which Gas we leave in breathe?
Ans. CO2
13. Violet Planet?
14. What is called brain of Computer?
Ans. CPU
15. What does UHT Stand for?
Ans. Ultra-high temperature
16. Who come to India in Gupta Dynasty?
Ans. Fa-Hien
Railway RRB NTPC Paper for 16th April 2016
RRB NTPC Asked Questions 16th April 2016 (Evening Slot)
RRB refers Railway Recruitment Boards of Indian Railways. RRB It is the Employment Gateway for filling the vacancies available in Indian Railways. The Indian Railways is the largest mode of transportation in India. It handles the highest number of customer and passenger. RRB divided into 19 Regional Boards headed by a Central Control Board. Recently Organisation has released RRB Advt. No. CEN 03/2015 Notification for filling up of 18252 Ticket Collector, Clerk Cum Typist, Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice (TA), Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Enquiry cum Reservation Clerk (ECRC), Senior Clerk cum Typist, Assistant Station Master (ASM), Senior Time Keeper, and Goods Guard Vacancies.
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