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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

{Topper}** Bihar Board ^12th^ result 2016: BSEB to %Released% for science stream on biharboard.ac.in, biharboard.bih.nic.in soon

Bihar Board 12th result 2016: BSEB to declare for science stream on biharboard.ac.in, biharboard.bih.nic.in soon : Bihar Board Topper 2015 BSEB Board 10th Topper Name bihar 12th exam Topper 2015 bihar Board High School & Intermediate Toppers marks Photo Check Top 3 (three) students list State wise of 12th science art commerce

Bihar Board Topper 2016 BSEB 10th 12th Exam Topper

Patna: The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) is all set to declare Bihar Board 12th Inter Results 2016 for science stream today at 3:30 pm.

Candidates need to log in to biharboard.ac.in or biharboard.bih.nic.in to check their Inter (Class 12th) Results. A total of 1.57 lakh students appeared for the BSEB Inter examination in the science stream.

Last year, the overall pass percentage was 88.97% and as has been the norm for years now - girls outshone boys.

bihar board 12th science result

bihar board 12th science result with marksheet  : The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) successfully conducted the 12th class examination from 24th February to 5th March 2016 at 1,109 centres across the state. Nearly 1.57 lakh students gave the exam who are eagerly waiting for their results now. Now, the wait is over. BSEB is going to declare class 12 results on May 10 (at 3 PM). Candidates can check their results by entering roll no or name or date of birth from official website of Bihar Board.

bihar board 12th science result 2016 with marksheet

Name of the Organisation : Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB)

Name of Examination : Board Exams/ Annual Exam/ Yearly Exam 2015-16

Official Website : Biharboard.bih.nic.in/ Biharboard.ac.in / BSEB.ORG

Date of Examination : Month February/ March

Class : 12th Class (Senior Secondary)

Place : All across Bihar State

How to check your results:

-Go to the official website of BSEB: www.biharboard.ac.inwww.biharboard.bih.nic.in
-Hover the mouse over Results option
-Click on class X and XII Results 2016
-Enter the following details for your stream:
1. Roll Code + Roll no
2. Name
3. Mobile No
4. Email ID

Bihar Board 10th Topper List 2015

परीक्षा में कुल 14,09,173 विद्यार्थियों ने भाग लिया, जिसमें 7,61,913 छात्र और 6,47,260 छात्राएं शामिल हुईं।

Kunal Jigyasu & Neeraj Ranjan both scored the highest marks (487/500) in 10th Exam and grab the First Topper Place.

Abhinav Kumar and Mukul Ranjanboth are on the Second top place by scoring 485 out of 500.

Sonu Kumar and Vivek Vaibhav on third place by obtaining 484/500 marks.

Bihar Board 12th Arts Topper :-

बिहार बोर्ड की बारहवीं आर्ट्स की परीक्षा में छात्रों के अपेक्षाकृत छात्राओं को अधिक सफलता मिली। जिसमें कि89.24 प्रतिशत छात्राएं पास हुई हैं, जबकि 82.37 प्रतिशत छात्रों ने ही सफलता हासिल की।

1. Shadma Khanam from Begusarai

2. Rupa Kumari from MPD College, Sitamadi

3. Shivani Kumari of FBJN College, Madhubani

4. Ishrat Bano, NN College, Vaishali

5. Parvati Kumar Das of Jaya Mahila College

Bihar Board 12th Commerce ICOM Topper :-

पिछले साल की तुलना में इस बार परीक्षा परिणाम करीब आठ प्रतिशत बेहतर रहा है। छात्राओं ने इस बार भी छात्रों को पीछे छोड़ दिया।

1. Aryan, M.S. College, Motihari Marks – 418/500

2. Aman Agarwal of Kosi College, Khagaria Marks – 414/500

3. Arun Sinha from Gaya College, Gaya & Prem Kumari of KSRI College, Samastipur Marks – 410/500

Bihar Board 12th Science Topper 2015 :-

इंटर साइंस के रिजल्ट में ग्रामीण प्रतिभाओं का जलवा रहा। विज्ञान के दस टॉपरों की सूची में 40 छात्र-छात्राओं के नाम हैं। इसमें लड़कियों की संख्या 13 है। इसमें एक नाम भी पटना के छात्र-छात्राओं का नहीं है।

Bihar Board Intermediate (12th) Science Topper 2015 :

1. Vikas Kumar Singh, Vidyapati +2 High School (North), Mobjitpur, Samastipur Total Marks- 429 Marks

2. Yashasvi Kashyap, Vidyapati +2 High School (South), Mobjitpur, Samastipur Total Marks- 426

3. Vishwajeet Kumar, Krashak College, Devdaha Total Marks- 425

4. Yashu Ranjan, Jagdam College, Chhapra Total Marks- 425

5. Mohd. Akeeb, L.C. College, Sahrsa Total Marks- 425

इस बार इंटर विज्ञान के परीक्षार्थियों की सफलता का प्रतिशत 88.97 रहा, जो पिछले साल से लगभग 23 प्रतिशत अधिक है। इसबार भी संपूर्ण रिजल्ट में लड़कियां ही आगे रही हैं। पिछली बार लड़कियां ही आगे रही थीं।


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