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Friday, 14 April 2017

*{jeeadv.ac.in, jeemain.nic.in}*AIR List* JEE Main All India Rank (AIR) List Result 2017 | {josaa.nic.in} JoSAA Seat Allocation Results

*{jeeadv.ac.in, jeemain.nic.in}*AIR List* JEE Main All India Rank (AIR) List Result 2016 Name Wise/ Roll No Wise/ College Wise/ Category Wise/ State Wise| {josaa.nic.in} JoSAA Seat Allocation Results.

JEE Main All India Rank (AIR) List Result 2017 

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has successfully conducted Joint Entrance Examination, JEE (Main) pen and paper based test on 3rd April 2017 and computer based Test on 8th & 9th April 2017 at various prearranged examination centres in all across India. About 1,98,228 qualified in the JEE advanced examination and about 1.6 lakh candidates appeared for the Mains exam. The results of the same were alos declared. Now, all the students are waiting for the JEE Mains Ranks 2017 .

JEE Main 2017 rank list will be published on www.jeemain.nic.in, cbse portal and also on josaa.nic.in on 23rd June. Students will be able to know their ranks under their login profile after entering the roll number and required details.

JEE Mains Results with AIR List 2017 

Out of more than 13 lakh who wrote the JEE Main exam on 3 April and 8 & 9 April in online and offline mode, 1,98,228 qualified for JEE advanced and around 1.6 lakh took the same. JEE Main rank list 2017 will be published for all of the candidates including Advanced qualified ones. After the declaration of ranks, The joint counselling is scheduled from 24th June 2017 .

JEE Main AIR List Name Wise/ Roll No Wise/ College Wise

Name of the Organization: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

JEE (Main) - 2017 Official Website: www.jeemain.nic.in

JEE (Advanced) Web Portal : www.jeeadv.ac.in

CBSE Website : cbseresults.nic.in, cbse.nic.in

Name of the Exam: Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Main)

Examination mode:
Offline Examination: Paper and pen based exam - April 3, 2017 (Sunday)
Online Examination: Computer Based Exam - April 08th & 9th, 2017
JEE(Main)- Paper-1 (B.E./B. Tech.) [Offline examination]:03.04.2017

category : Result, Scorecard, Merit List, Topper List, All India Rank List, Rank card.

JEE Main AIRs Announced by JAB : 23rd June 2016

How to Check JEE Mains All India Ranks 2017 :

Log on through the official website or the direct link provided below.
The homepage will be displayed.
Click on "JEE Mains Rank List 2017 ".
Enter Roll No, date of birth or other credentials.
Click on submit button.
The rank list will appear on the screen and check your ranks details.
Download/ Take a printout for further reference.

JOASS Registration and Choice Filling Starts from 24-June.

The eligible candidates [those who have qualified in JEE (Main) 2016 and/or JEE (Adv) 2016] will be allowed to register and fill-in their program choices on JoSAA 2016 portal for five days starting from 24-June-2016.
23-June-2016Joint Apex Board declares JEE (Main) 2016 AIRs
24-June-2016 (10:00 IST) to 28-June-2016 (17:00 IST)Candidates registration and fill-in their choices of academic programs in participating Institutes
27-June-2016 (10:00 IST to 16:00 IST)Display of mock seat allocation based on the choices filled-in by candidates as of 26-June-2016 (17:00 IST)
29 June 2016Reconcile the data, allocate seats, verify and validate
30 June (10:00 IST) 2016Seat allocation (1st round)
Four or Five daysAcceptance of seat (1st round)
After 1st round seat acceptance, one dayDisplay of seats filled / availability status
Seat allocation (2nd round)
Two or Three daysAcceptance/withdrawal of seat (2nd round)
After 2nd round seat acceptance, one dayDisplay of seats filled / availability status
Seat allocation (3rd round)
Two or Three daysAcceptance/withdrawal of seat (3rd round)
After 3rd round seat acceptance, one dayDisplay of seats filled / availability status
Seat allocation (4th round)
One or Two daysAcceptance of seat (4th round)
Beginning of academic sessions at IITs, ISM, NITs, IIITs (Triple-I-Ts) and Other-GFTIs will be announced in due course of time

JEE Mains AIR 2017 :

Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is an all India common engineering entrance examination which is conducted for admission in various engineering colleges and courses all over the country. Joint Seat Allocation Authority 2015 (JoSAA 2015) conducted the joint admission process for a total of 18 IITs, ISM Dhanbad, 32 NITs, 18 IIITs and 19 other Government Funded Technical Institutes (GFTIs). JEE Main exam has two papers, Paper-1 and Paper-2. Candidates who had written the examination can check JEE Mains All India Ranks from the official website.

JEE Mains All India Ranks 2017 :

JEE Mains AIR is going to declare today. Candidates can check the ranks from the direct link provided below. The rank list is prepared through a normalisation process by giving 60% weightage to JEE Main score and 40% weightage to the 12th class percentage. The ranks of the candidates depend on the category which they belong. Candidates who will satisfy with the results should attend for the counselling process.


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