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Wednesday, 25 November 2015

{SBI.recruitment} notification 2015: 185 Specialist officer Posts Apply Online

State bank of India published the official recruitment notification  for the recruitment of specialist cadre officer in state bank group. ADVERTISEMENT NO. CRPD/SCO/2015-16/7 published online for inviting online application form for SBI SO vacancies. All candidates who hold the eligibility criteria for SBI visheshagya adhikari bharti pariksha they can fill application form online from 26 November 2015. Candidates can fill application form online till the last dates 12 December 2015.  total no of vacancies of Specialist officer Deputy
Manager (Law) is 40 and Assistant Manager (System) 145 including various categories. Selection of the eligible candidates will be based on through the written examination.
Important recruitment details as are following of SBI Specialist officer latest Job notification 2016
Posts name and No of vacancies as are following
Deputy Manager (Law) DMLA SBI MMGS-II posts 40
Assistant Manager System AMSYSBI , SBM  JMGS-I post 145
 Total 185
Eligibility criteria for SBI SO as are following
Age Limit:  Deputy manager law 21-38 , assistant manager system age limit 21-30 as on 30 November 2015
Education qualification for Deputy Manager law - degree in Law or a Law Graduate who has passed 5 years integrated Law course
Experience : Law Graduates who have enrolled as Advocates with Bar Council and minimum 2 years active experience as practicing Advocate (or) Two years’ experience as Law officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial Banks / Financial Institutions
Assistant Manager System: B.E. / B. Tech. in Computer Science / Computer Applications / Information Technology / Electronics/
Electronics & Telecommunications / Electronics & Communications / Electronics & Instrumentations
  1. Sc. in Electronics / Electronics & Telecommunications / Electronics & Communications / Electronics & Instrumentation / Computer Science / Information Technology / Computer Applications
Experience : Experience in computer programming
Salary: Junior Management Grade Scale I 23700-980/7-30560-1145/2-32850-1310/7-42020 Monthly salary 73600-(inclusive of leased Rental at Mumbai)
Middle Management Grade Scale II 31705-1145/1-32850-1310/10-45950 Monthly salary 90700-(inclusive of leased Rental at Mumbai)
Selection procedure for SBI SO posts
Selection of the eligible candidates for the posts of Deputy manage law and assistant manager system will be based on through the Online examination followed by personal interview test . Online Test will be held on 17 January 2016.
Syllabus and pattern of online examination as are following
 Except Professional Knowledge (PK) paper, other papers will be of qualifying in nature. Candidates have to score minimum qualifying marks in these papers . question paper medium will be Hindi and English language.
Deputy Manager (Law)
90 Minutes
Professional Knowledge
45 minutes
Assistant Manager (System)
90 Minutes
*Quantitative  aptitude
Professional Knowledge
90 Minutes
* Qualifying in nature and marks thereon will not be reckoned for arriving at the Merit list.
All those candidates who will be declared qualified in the written examination they will be call for personal interview test.  Final merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in Professional knowledge section and personal interview test. 
Examination center for Online examination
Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Bangalore, Bhopal, Raipur, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Jammu, Srinagar, Chennai, Madurai, Guwahati, Hyderabad / Secunderabad, Visakhapatnam, Kolkata / Greater Kolkata, Lucknow, Varanasi, Mumbai / Greater Mumbai / Thane / Navi Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, Dehradun, Jaipur, New Delhi/ Delhi / NCR, Patna, Ranchi, Ernakulam & Trivandrum
How to apply: all interested candidates can fill application form online at the official website of SBI . Candidates can fill application form for only one category of the posts. Candidate can fill application form online at the official website of SBI which are www.statebankofindia.com or www.sbi.co.in
 Fill online application form http://ibps.sifyitest.com/sbirsconov15/
Application form fee : rs 100 for SC, ST and PWD candidates and rs 600 for general and other category of the candidates
Important dates of SBI SO vacancies 
Online registration process will be started from - 26 November 2015
Last date of application form submission is  - 12 December 2015
Last date of payment of application form fee online - 12 December 2015
Admit card / call letter will be available for download from – 15 January 2016
Written exam date – 17 January 2016


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