UPSC Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner Admit Card 2016: UPSC APFC 2016 Admit Card -upsc apfc admit card released, upsc apfc download admit card, upsc apfc, upsc apfc admit card released, assistant provident fund commissioner, upsc, upsc apfc 2016
For Assistant Provident Fund Commissioners, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the admit cards on the official website. Those eligible and interested candidates who had applied for the exam can download the admit card from the official website, the link for which is
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is the India’s central Agency. It is authorized to conduct the Indian Forest Services, Combined Defence, Civil Services, Engineering, CMS, NA & NDA, IES/ISS, SCRA and Assistant Commandant Services examinations. Now it has released the UPSC APFC Notification 2015 in their official website. Candidates who had applied for the UPSC APFC Recruitment 2015 can get the UPSC APFC Syllabus, UPSC APFC Exam Pattern, UPSC APFC Eligibility Criteria, UPSC Apfc Previous Papers from here. Here we also update the UPSC APFC Answer Key and UPSC Apfc Result after the exam.
Name of the Organization: Union Public service commission
Name of the Exam: UPSC APFC Exam
Number of posts: 170 posts
Official website:
Category: Upsc Apfc Exam Admit Card
UPSC APFC Admit Card – Download provident fund commissioner hall ticket
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has published admit cards for Assistant Provident Fund Commissioners. The candidates can download the admit card from the official website, the link for which is
How to download?
- Go to the official website
- Click on the link, 'e-Admit Card - Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner'
- After clicking on the same, the admit cards will be displayed on the screen. The candidates must take a print-out for future reference. The candidates should carry the admit card at the examination centre, failing which they will not be allowed to sit for the exam. The exam is scheduled to be held on January 10, 2015.
The candidates can check the scheme and syllabus of examination below:
Scheme of examination:
- The test will be held for a duration of two hours and the candidates will be able to attempt the test in both, Hindi and English language
- The test will comprise of objective type multiple choice questions and will carry a maximum of 100 marks
- The candidates must note that there will be penalty for wrong answers.
- General English: To evaluate candidate's understanding of English language and workman - like use of words
- Indian Culture, Heritage and Freed om Movements and Current Events.
- Population, Development and Globalization
- Governance and Constitution of India
- Present trends in Indian Economy
- Accounting and Auditing, Industrial Relations, Labour Laws, Insurance
- Basic knowledge of Computer applications, General Science
- Elementary Mathematics, Statistics and General Mental Ability
- Social Security in India
For more details, the candidates should visit the official website.
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